Many years ago, when I began receiving information from the Creator on what is going on with a person, plant or animal, not just on the physical plane but also the why of it, I had a conversation with God. I was very upset seeing what is happening with people or their animals, telling them the problem in detail & sending them out the door. I told God that it wasn’t the best way to help people and it was upsetting to me to send people out the door all upset with little or no hope.
So, God & I had a talk – if I am to see what is going on with a person, I better be told what to do about it, so they can be healed. I didn’t care if I was to do the healing or send them to a specialist. A plan needed to be in place to help. These people have already been through too much and if they found me, I needed to be able to help them.
Most of the time I am given a Healing Team based on the problem. A team specialized in healing a liver doesn’t need to be the ones available for a brain or back problem. I am now given a team based on what a person needs help with. Sometimes it is several Teams as the illnesses people come to me with usually have been going on for a while and they haven’t received help from the traditional medical professions.I am now finding that most conditions are also traced back to ancestral trauma, or a time before this one. Now a Team is needed that time travels with me along with the Team to help with the trauma the Ancestor had – usually so bad their DNA is also infected.
Once we see what the problem is or how it came about, I am now shown or given a team that can help remedy the situation. It is hard to explain here, but I do incorporate this information within each of the classes I teach.
If you don’t see a class you are interested in listed, contact me and we will get one created as soon as possible. Some may be a 2-hour afternoon/evening or a 2-day class. Depends on which one & how much information needs to be transmitted. At this time, they are all in person as this is the best way to teach – I can watch what is transpiring as you practice on another person. If you need help, I am right here to assist.